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overheard shortly after Magistrate Berkhopf
Attempting to drown someone in the muddy
has arrived.
water is one unusual way to win. Firstly, the
Evening Entertainment attacker has to successfully grapple their
opponent as usual and then win on opposed
This being a Slaaneshi camp, many of the
Strength rolls as usual, however, instead of
cultists like to indulge their sick fetishes when
inflicting normal unarmed damage the Damage
off duty and many do so with unwilling
is D10 + the number of turns they have been
participants drawn from the prisoner
held underwater.
populations, pretty young men and women are
particularly favoured.
The Skaven Warband
Erkenbraund has set a rule that no-one useful
With the players having briefly encountered
is to be damaged such that they can t work,
Skaven on at least one occasion it should not
it s one of the few rules which result in the
come as much of a surprise that the sly ratmen
guards being punished (not with pain, as that
are up to something in the area.
would almost be a reward!?). Of course that
Anyone with Common Knowledge (Skaven)
rule leaves a lot of room for interpretation and
or significant experience fighting them knows
for the sake of all our sanities I don t intend to
that they prize Warpstone very highly which
delve too far into what goes on in that aspect
might give a clue as to their intention.
of the camp. Suffice to say that Tassenburg
will leave deep psychological scars on many of
In truth the Skaven Warband were part of the
the prisoners who survive it.
force that besieged the Middenheim Undercity
during the Storm of Chaos and since the giant
The Pit Fights
explosion that devastated the tunnels there,
Every couple of nights the off duty guards hold
many scouting parties have been dispatched
a pit fight in which any prisoner who has
looking for Warpstone to help rebuild the
developed mutations from contact with the
Skaven technologies and magicks lost during
weirdstone is thrown to fight to the death. Any
the siege. This particular group have travelled
prisoners that Erkenbraund considers to be too
further than most because they have so far
troublesome will also be tossed in here to fight
been unsuccessful in finding any and dare not
for the amusement of all.
return without some.
This is a spectacle that always clears the camp
of off duty guards and even a few of the on
The Skaven Warpstone Scouting Party
duty ones will slope over there for awhile (the
The thirty strong warband is led by a veteran
trouble with Slaaneshi Cultists is that you
Storm Rat named Chi Quell and this is his first
teach them to do whatever they feel like which
command, being recently promoted due to the
doesn t make for great discipline, although
death of his Commander.
those who came from the Town Watch are
slightly better). Obviously this is a great
Chi Quell s warband contains;
chance to be sneaky.
" Chi Quell Use the Skaven template in
Any Adventurer deemed to be troublesome
WFRP and add the Brute and Chief Careers.
might be tossed in here to fight it out with a
" 10 Storm Rats Use the Skaven template
mutant; similarly anyone that did particularly
and add the Brute Career.
well in the bare knuckle brawls on the journey
could well be forced to compete. Should they
" 3 Gutter Runners Use the Skaven
be successful they will be treated as prized
template and add the Sneak Career.
fighters, given double rations and not expected
" 16 Clan Rats Use the Skaven template.
to work during the day, in fact they have
(almost) a free run of the camp. However, they
will ultimately be expected to fight the Pit
King (a Chaos Ogre found wandering Skaven activity should increase closer to the
Tassenburg that the Cultists have been treating end of the week that the Adventurer s have
as a pet, see Tome of Corruption, P122 for been there. It is clear that the Skaven intend to
stats). attack in force at the most opportune time.
Character s with Academic Knowledge
The Pit
(Strategy / Tactics) can make a Chalenging (-
The pit is full of muddy water and other debris 10%) test to determine the most likely time for
which provide the inventive Pit Fighter with at the Skaven to attack. Perhaps unsurprisingly it
least some weapons, most of which qualify as will be night time on the night when the Cult
Improvised Weapons of some description. are preparing for their ritual as their forces will
be stretched thinnest and the Warpstone will
be laid out in readiness for the ritual.
Adelmann is Waiting
Break Out Plans
As long as the Adventurer s escape at the right
The Adventurer s will need to plan and
time, Adelmann is waiting for them with their
implement an escape to meet Adelmann to
equipment. He listens incredulously as they explain
collect their weapons and get their pardons;
what is happening and he agrees to help in any way.
after all there is certainly enough evidence
If nothing else, he has two horses (one for riding,
against Berkhopf.
one for the pack containing the Adventurer s gear
Of course, events have moved on somewhat
that can be used to raise the alarm and get the
since the Adventurers were first railroaded into
Warpstone to a safer place as soon as possible)
becoming Adelmann s spies and to leave the
remaining prisoners, or even the Warpstone for
Mass Breakout
the Cult or the Skaven to fulfil their dastardly
In fact, the only way to get all those prisoner s
plans would be callous and a phenomenally
out will likely be to organise a rush of the
bad idea (if the Cultist ritual works, a long shot
guards, tool shed and armoury all at once, with
but the Adventurers don t know that,
the armed Adventurer s leading the way and
Tassenburg will become a gateway through
then storming the gates.
which the daemons of Slaanesh can be born
into the real world as Possessed Daemonhosts
If the Adventurer s and/or Aria the Halfling
into the sacrificed bodies of the prisoners).
can pick as many manacles as possible before
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